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rm_polo_969 sa
ag är män. 38T kinesiska, tala lite svenska. hoppas du förstår. vill massera dig och göra kärlek. hoppas kommer att ge dig varm och utanför det snöat och kallt
rm_polo_969 sa
Jag är män. 38T kinesiska, tala lite svenska. hoppas du förstår. vill massera dig och göra kärlek. hoppas kommer att ge dig varm och utanför det snöat och kallt
beramii sa
hej iag vill ha sex
rm_liljan67 sa
Jag är en kvinna, som är väldigt sugen på att ha sex med många andra killar.
Garvald sa
I am a recently divorced middle-aged man. I meet a woman here who I have corresponded for a while with. Our relationship is completely platonic; distance between us is so great that it is unlikely that we ever meet. However, her way of answering my letters, her wonderful fantasies about our sex life, her wonderful, open attitude (totally liberated six chatter), made me feel better. I have not been this horny since many years. I have not felt as good (and strong) as I feel now in a long time. I am grateful to her for that. I'm a bit poetic to me. But, I have not written poetry for over 30 years. And, it just comes. And, I wrote. From my heart, as I feel for her. I think the poem is worthy to be read by other members, as well. It is dedicated to my best Adult Friend, Samantha. My dear Samantha, you are worth much more, but, you're so far away from me. I cannot reach you and express my appreciation in any other way than this. I would like all to know how much I like you. A little song for my horny Samantha Written by Garvald My horny lover You are my horny lover, You know it’s very true, I do not need some other As long as I have you.

You are always horny, Always want to fuck, Always make me happy When you suck my hard cock. And you are not just horny; You make me horny, too! I go all day and think How wonderful it’s to fuck with you!

I love your hot, wet pussy, I love when you cum, my lover, I love to fuck your pussy hard While you cum my all cock over.

The day you will leave me (And I hope it will not be soon), I'll be so sad then, that I will cry to the moon.

For, who should then cum all over my face, And who should I cum over, And whose hot pussy should I lick and fuck, If you leave me, my horny lover.

So leave me never, my horny darling, You know it would make me sad. Open your pussy for my cock and cum…and cum… Course, you know it keeps me glad.
flinga2 sa
En dag kom hon förbi honvisste vad hon ville, attta försig<3<3:)
Imtheonefory sa
Har träffat en underbar kvinna här på - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -! Nu ska vi träffas och se om verkligheten är lika vacker o härlig som alla våra meil, telefonsamtal o chattningar har varit!!! Allt har stämmt till 200 % med precis ALLT mellan oss!!!
Goa1964 sa
Kom i samspråk med en karl här på Adult, som skrev så sanslöst goa o vackra mejl till mej att jag föll som en fura.. :"> O efter en vecka fjorton dar så träffades vi... Då var jag ännu så ny här att jag inte greppat allt som finns att läsa, å se om sina nya bekanta... Så det enda jag sett av honom var en miniatyr - inget ansikte. O inte hade jag hittat allt han skrivit heller.. OM jag gjort det, ja då hade jag ju läst berättelsen han skrev, långt långt före vi visste om varanns existens. O sluppit få den berättad för mej, som om den var nyskriven. Till mej. Om oss.. Men men.. Ganska egalt, eftersom jag redan bildat mej uppfattningen om Mr Right's attraherande yttre, så att det matchade hans helt formidabelt vackert målande berättelser o smicker o komplimanger o kärleksförklaringar. Måste blivit totalt tiltad på grund av svält efter bekräftelser...#-o Lite småskraj var jag ju, men bestämde mej för att släppa det o suga i mej - för kanske kanske va det min tur nu att träffa "rätt"?! Som Ni anat, slutar min lilla "saga", när förlamningen av mitt förnuft släppte, dagen efter min visit hos denna Man. Mannen som sa sej Älska mej, o vara så säääkker på att Jag var Kvinnan han sökt... ( ja förutom att vi skulle fortsätta att leka med andra oxå då.. O jag mitt lilla "våp"-jag skulle lätt ha kunnat stanna hos honom genast, Varför??nja det var förstås hans väl utveclade (nä nä..) förmåga att uttrycka sej. Plus att han kom in i mitt liv så "rätt"..Han verkade ha allt det hag behövde, o vice verca., tyckte jag. Ni kan tänka vilken skjuts rätt in i verkligheten det var för några dar sen, när lustan i kroppen bedarrat något, värmen släppte greppet om sommaren, o 1+1 blev = 2 igen! Ville endast få Det bekräftat - att vårt möte o korta bekantskap varit så svårt påverkat av det verbala och mentala förspelet, o senare helt styrda av kåtheten o de fantasier, som den lilla del av hjärnan, i funktion, uppfattade som planer - faktiskt inte var annat än eggande fantasier... Åtminstone inte för honom o mej:-&qout; När jag så fick bekräftelsen, o beslutat hur jag skulle tolka den, kunde jag lägga där den hör hemma - efter ett litet fösök av min självkänsla att känna sej lätt krackelerad - i minnes/erfarenhets arkivet, med en rekommendation att låta den förbli där... Tro nu inte att jag hyser agg eller känner mej bitter - inte alls!

Min Lust o Iver o Önskan om att träffa Er andra har bara blivit större!! O nu, när den softade ramen tonat ut kring ovanstående knullkontakt, så blir jag så sköönt kåt av att kolla på Era Härliga bilder! o fantisera om heta härligt horny träffar som väntas En del bilder e så vackra att jag blir knäsvag..! En del så glansigt knullkåta att jag bara måste låta en hand glida ner
rm_alan7447 sa
hi its kennybabe i met my soulmate in your site we met and i found the woman of my dreams we have been going out for 9 months now and we are engaged and plan to marry sometime this year thank you so much for this site she is hlfchk715 and we are so in love with each other again thank you very much
rm_eddieengin sa
Thank You - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -!!!! This is an amazing place for adults who just want to add a little spice in their life. We put an add on in Oct... and less than a week later found the PERFECT couple! They are truly awesome people, the perfect match! We have all spent alot of time together and look forward to spending a lot more!!!
We would never have found them without - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -, so once again.... THANK YOU!!!
rm_watergame21 sa
Thank you, thank you very much - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - I have an ad in women looking for woman. I met a beautiful woman in my area and we got together today. I am so greatful to - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - She is my fantasy woman. It was so exciting being with her. Feeling her naked body against mine. Her soft skin and big beautiful breast. I licked pussy for the first time today and loved it. So sweet and tasty. Before today I worried at times if my man enjoyed licking my pussy, now I know he must truly enjoy it. I feel sorry for all the woman in the world who are afraid to admit to their bi feelings. If any of you are reading this, smarten up and go for it. - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - will help you. Thank you again - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - you have made me a very happy woman. luv2hvu73
daniii sa
i have known two friends, two guys through - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - last fall.Two horny young males from Morocco.I have encountered them in Berlin.I have done sex whit them during a week end , a very sexy and strong relathionship .We had plesure and fun...i use - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - since two years and i have known many playsant people in Greece in Spain and in vacations re always sexy!!Thanks - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - tem...luv you!!
rm_Sw33tGuRL sa
Hi! I just had to Thank everyone at - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - I joined the site 2 1/2 months ago and was getting nowhere really....was gettig discouraged when I read a woman's ad that was quite different from all the others I had read. Sent her an email and she responded...We slowly began to get acquainted through - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -, adding updating our info....sharing things through emails.....Let me explain here that neither of us had ANY previous experience meeting someone on-line. We both had joined on the spur of the moment. Not sure WHAT to expect, or even WHY we were trying it. And we are not kids, I'm 45 never married, and she's 39 married once and divorced.!! Well........several weeks after meeting through - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - both feel like we are living some Hollywood movie script.....acting like 16 year olds...meeting for coffee and morning emails....rushing home from work to meet...spending hours online together each evening...:) We are AMAZED, DAZED, CONFUSED, AND FASCINATED by what has happened between us "purely" online since we met through - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - I NEVER thought I would be writing a letter telling everyone that I EVEN COULD, much less that I already HAVE FOUND LOVE online....WOW.....!!!!!! She is the music in my heart and I ADORE everthing about her...:) Thank You - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - for giving us a safe meeting place, free from the pressures and the "hustle n bustle" of our daily lives...Thank You for the tools you provide which make it "possible" to find each other...You've given us a chance we might never have had....and provided us with a beginning......THANK YOU FOR MY SWEET A.L.
packard763052 sa
A Walk in the Park...For Adults Only...
My husband, Greg, and I decided to put an ad in the personalson - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -, to spice up our sex life. I am 41, and Greg is 55. We selected an ad from a single 37 year old male, who had studied massage, which was a bonus as far as I was concerned. We arranged to meet Pedro at the park/fishing pier, located next to the Antioch bridge. Since we all lived in Antioch, it was close and the park is very scenic. It was a beautiful sunny summer day, the weather was perfect. Pedro was driving a bright red van, with a very unique name, including a picture of a cute Arctic animal. When we pulled into the parking lot, we saw that he was already there, and were trying to ?check him out? before we parked and got out of the car. We said hello and introduced ourselves, then went for a walk in the park and along the fishing pier. I was wearing a blue denim vest, (the snaps undone almost halfway to show more than a little of my 38 DD cleavage), and a very short matching skirt, with two of the bottom snaps undone, showing lots of leg and maybe a little cheek from behind, as I was not wearing anything else. I felt nervous, sexy, and naughty all at the same time. I also thought Pedro was cute, and I was very interested in a massage, especially since he had taken massage lessons for two years. We were enjoying each other?s company as well as the park. We got along as if we had known each other for longer than a few minutes. While we were walking, Greg was behind me and he would lift up the back of my skirt with his cane, (a prop), to give Pedro a peep, which Pedro quite enjoyed. We walked to the end of the pier, then decided to head back so we could go somewhere more private. On the way, Greg continued to use his cane to tease Pedro, and Pedro thought it was great! There are restrooms at the end of the pier, so I got an idea, and, without saying anything, I smiled and went into one of the restrooms. Greg and Pedro followed me and we shut the door. Once the door was closed, I really got nervous, but I was also horny and ready to play a little before we went back to our cars. We had to be quiet because all of the bathrooms have a common wall, and sounds carry very well. Greg put both of my hands above my head, holding onto the coat hook, so it was like being tied up, which drives me absolutely crazy!! Then, Greg told Pedro to hold one side of my vest while he held the other, and on the count of three they each pulled on the vest, suddenly I was only wearing a skirt. Pedro admired my naked 38 DD breasts, then Greg told himto hold one side of my skirt, while Greg held the other and on the count of three they pulled again. Now I was completely naked with my hands above my head, and two men fondling my breasts, fingering my shaved pussy, and driving me crazy. We could hear people going in and out of the other restrooms, which made it even it more naughty, and fun! Greg sucked on one breast while Pedro sucked on the other. The feeling was amazing, naked in a public restroom, tied up with two men playing with me and making me quite hot indeed!! They played with my hot, wet pussy a little more, and I noticed that Pedro?s cock was now bulging and straining to get out of his pants. By this time I was extremely turned on and ready to go, I think Pedro was too, so Greg let me put my clothes back on and we went to our cars.
When we got back to our vehicles, we were trying to decide where to go next when Pedro said he had a pool and suggested we go to his house, so we followed him, it turned out he lives within a mile from us. On the way, part of me was thinking am I nuts?? What am I doing?? However, when I am tied up and played with I get so hot and crazy that I could almost be talked into anything, and the bathroom scene drove me so wild; I could hardly wait to get to Pedro?s house and take my clothes back off so I could be played with some more. I was incredibly hot!!
Once we arrived at Pedro?s house, we all went outside to sit by the pool. Pedro got me and him a beer, and while he was inside, Greg was asking me why didn?t I get into the pool. I tested the water, and although cold, it was not too bad, so I stripped off my vest and skirt, and went in the water and floated for awhile. It was very relaxing, and I was enjoying it very much. It felt good, but was a little cold, so I did not stay in very long. Pedro got me a towel when I got out, and after awhile, we went inside. I did not bother to put my vest and skirt back on, and just went inside naked. Pedro did not mind, and I ended up sitting on the couch with Pedro, and Greg had the camera ready to take pictures. We continued to drink beer, which gave me quite a buzz, indeed. When we kissed for the first time, Pedro told Greg that I was a very good kisser, and Greg agreed. Pedro started to play with me and kiss me, and Greg was taking pictures the whole time. We were on the couch in the family room, and after falling off the couch, we went into the living room, and sat on the couch there for awhile. We continued to kiss, and Pedro was sucking on my 38 DD?s, and playing with my hot, wet pussy. We were all over the couch, and ended up on the floor, again.

Pedro was very busy playing with me, and Greg was busy taking pictures. Greg had to bring the condom into the living room after we went in there from the family room. I was enjoying myself, and was surprised at how limber I seemed to be, considering how much pain I am usually in. I was all over the place, and we ended up on the floor quite a bit. After Pedro put the condom on, he fucked me on the floor. He has a great personality, and we were laughing and enjoying ourselves. I was amazed at how at ease I was with this stranger I had only known for a few hours, but was getting very personal with. He was also a good kisser, and I felt very sexy and naughty at the same time. Having Greg there taking pictures did not even phase me, and Pedro was a very good sport about it, because he did not seem to mind either. Sometimes it can feel awkward to have someone taking pictures, but I guess you could say I have gotten used to it, because it did not bother me at all. I like the pictures because I cannot always remember everything that happened, and sometimes they help trigger my memory. I have no idea how long we were fucking, and when we were done, we had another beer, and talked some more, he is a very likeable, easy going person. After Pedro and I were done playing, I still kept my clothes off, and I was the only one naked. Pedro thought it was neat that I felt comfortable enough to stay naked, even though he did not. It just felt like a natural thing to do.
It was very early the next morning when we finally decided it was time to leave. Greg had been going outside to smoke, and felt strange because the neighbors saw him. He all of the sudden felt obvious, and felt that it was time to leave. Besides, Pedro had to work the next day, which was now only a few hours away. We said goodbye, and Pedro gave me a big hug and kiss. He said he would call us when he returned from camping, and we left. Driving home, it struck me again how close we lived to each other, and also that I didn?t get the massage Pedro had promised. Oh well, it was still a very interesting and enjoyable evening. We might have to see him again so I can get the massage he bragged about!!

rm_mart22546 sa
The Coupon

I met Maggie about nine months ago and I realized right fromthe start she was something special, but I had no idea. At thirtyfour she looks in her twenties and frequently gets noticed for her looks. She is a petite 5'2", with medium length dark culy hair, green eyes, a light Irish complexion, 34B tits with perky nipples, about 110-lbs and very nice legs and ass. Shortly after we started dating we realized that we shared a lot of the same fantasies and were very compatible. I tend to be voyueristic with dominant tendancies and she an exhibitionist with submissive tendancies. It's worked out rather nicely. We started experimenting with others and exploring new territory a few months ago. This has involved her posing for pictures and video and exposing her body to, or sharing her with other men.
One day from work she e-mailed me a coupon that said " I am your total sex slave for a night". Not being one to pass up such a beautiful opportunity, I hung on to it for about a month until the timing was right. We had placed an ad on the internet to meet a compatible male, to explore some fantasies. There was a guy in his late twenties that we chatted with who seemed to fit the bill. So we decided to meet. We met at a pool hall to have a few drinks and get more comfortable. He was a white male about thirty, in good shape and i'll call him Mike. He was very interested and couldn't seem to take his eyes off her.
In such a hot outfit who could blame him. She had dark red lipstick and nails, black heels and thigh-high stockings with a skin-tight black mini-skirt and a thin black sweater that buttoned up the front. As we were getting more comfortable Maggie's personality began to show itself. She has a sexy giggle that's contagious and the conversation soon turned to sex. Sitting on a tall barstool and frequently crossing her legs, Maggie had our complete attention. We started talking about her outfit and at one point she completly lifted up her skirt to quickly flash me her skimpy g-sting panties. No one else had seen so I told Mike what he just missed and he expressed his dissappointment. So Maggie lifted up her skirt again for our inspection. There was my girlfriend exposing her panties to someone we had just met and I was getting hard as a rock. I thought Mike's eyes would pop out of his head, since I don't think he had actually expected her to do it again for his benefit. After this the three of us were getting pretty hot and bothered so we invited Mike over to our place for a few more drinks and a little fun. He enthusiastically agreed to follow us home. On the way there she was driving and I lifted up her skirt to play with her pussy. She was getting really wet and told me how much this was turning her on!
As soon as we got home I offered to show Mike the picture collection of Maggie on my computer. He said he would love to see it, so Maggie (starting to assume her submissive role) served us drinks while we were looking at pictures of her completely exposed and posing. At this point we were all a bit buzzed and decided to move into the livingroom for the next stage.
Earlier that day I had decided that this was the perfect opportunity to use my coupon for a "sex-slave" and so I rented a video camera. When we were at the bar I had waited till Maggie went to the ladies room to ask Mike if he would be interested in seeing Maggie in some "video action". He was very interested!
So when we went into the livingroom, Mike sat in one chair and I in the other while Maggie sat one the couch facing us. In her short skirt we were already getting frequent glimpses of her panty covered pussy. Feeling the time was right I excused myself to go to the bathroom. When I came back with the video camera in hand, Mike was all smiles and Maggie expressed an "Ohh Myy!" of surprise. I sat in my chair and turned the camera on to get Maggie's expression as I handed her of the coupon and told her to read it for us. Her eyes got real big but she was smiling as she read it out loud. She had figured I was up to something but had no idea until this point, what it was. So in order to keep the suspense going I told her that she would be performing for us and to refill our drinks first. She came back with a very nervous giggle and handed us our drinks. Standing with her hands on her hips she said "Okay sir, what do you want me to do first?".
I responded with "Well you can start by finding some music and dancing for us slave". She looked very nervous since she is self conscious about her body but responded quickly. She is not one to back down from a challenge and was quite turned on by this point (with the added effects of the alcohol). As she started swaying her hips she began to slide her hands up and down her body, brushing her tits and occaisionally inching her skirt up. After the first tune I said "Damn you're hot!" to which Mike quickly agreed and "We want to see you start stripping now". She gave me a pained expression due to feeling self-consious but I took a drink and said nothing so she complied anyway. She was procrastinating but kept rubbing her tits as her hands went up and down and was lifting her skirt up higher to show us her panties. I knew she was feeling reluctant but her frequent eye contact told me she wanted to please me. Her shy manner was very sexy and started to bring out my dominant side. So I waited until she had her shirt off and then I got up and handed Mike the camera. "You're taking to long slave, so you will have to be punnished", so I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her over to the couch right in front of Mike. I knew this would only turn her on further as light pain usually does. I bent her over the couch and lifted her skirt to her waist. This completely exposed her ass, which was covered by no more than a g-string.
Mike zoomed in for a close-up of the action as I rubbed and squeezed her ass. She moaned with pleasure a few times as I smacked her ass hard enough to leave handprints. I offered to let Mike have a turn as well and he handed me the camera. After fondling and caressing her ass a few seconds there were two loud "smacks" as he left two more handprints. I told him to check to see if her panties were wet and he said "they're soaked" as he felt her pussy. So I said "ok slave I've decided to give you another chance to put on a show for us". "Now go get your vibrator" and Mike said "yeah I want to see that". When she came back with a vibrator and some lubrication I told her to sit on the couch facing us again and we took a short smoke break from the video camera to give her a chance to think about what we might do to her.
When I turned the camera back on I said "ok now I want you to spread your legs and rub your pussy" and "move closer to the edge so we can see real good". She quickly responded by putting one foot on the coffee table and her other out to the side on the couch, with her knees bent. She also moved her ass forward on the couch and leaned back on the pillows. "Like this?" as she started to rub her pussy. "Yeah that's good" and I zoomed in. "Now pull your panties over to the side so we can see your pussy". She moaned and responded quickly as her fingers started moving faster. "I know what's missing. We need to see your tits. Now take the bra off and spread your pussy real good". I asked Mike how it looked to him. "Damn nice man, she looks real good!" So I said "ok honey as a reward for pleasing our guest you can use the vibrator now". She grabbed the vibrator quickly applying lube up and down the shaft with her hands and turned it on. She started moaning loudly and gyrating her hips. Shortly after rubbing it up and down her clitt, she was thrusting her pussy forward and let out a loud gutteral moan that told me she came hard.
Mike said "that was cool!" and I said "oh we're just getting started. Do you want a closer view?" "Oh yeah" as he practically jumped up and got on the couch next to her. I told her "ok now get up on one knee on the couch and bend over so he can check out your pussy". She was primed and ready, and obeyed quickly. I zoomed in for a close up as Mike started fingering her pussy and playing with her ass. She was squuezing her tits with one hand and leaning over the back of the couch with the other. Her tight little anus glistened enticingly and she started moaning again after a few minutes. I told Mike to feel free to see how she tasted and he eagerly turned her over and started eating her pussy. We took turns making her cum a few more times and I decided it was time for her to display her cocksucking talents. I told her to get on her knees between his legs and "thank him for licking your pussy so good". She knelt down and quickly went for his cock which looked similar to mine. It was fairly thick, about seven inches and hard as a pole. I circled around for a good video shot and her head was bobbing up and down on his cock, working it into her throat. He was moaning with pleasure pretty quickly as she is very talented at sucking cocks. I told her to slow down a bit and take her time. I had other plans...
"He looks about ready to try your pussy, so why don't you climb up and get on his lap". She looked ready as well and straddled him, working his cock into her pussy. He started squeezing and sucking on her titts while she was gyrating her hips. I decided it was time for me to get in on the action as well and told her to "turn around so he can fuck you from behind while you suck my cock". I set the camera to catch the action and got undressed while he fucked her pussy good. As he was fucking her pussy from behind I grabbed her by the hair again and shoved my cock into her throat. It was feeling really good as he shoved in from behind each time it pushed her back down my cock. I knew it would be a good action shot on video but I wanted to cum in her tight little ass.
So I had him lie on the floor while I told her to straddle him again. She got down on her knees and started riding his cock and I worked a finger into that tight little ass to get her ready. She knew what was coming as we had talked about the idea of a double penetration before, and she started riding him hard and moaning and groaning loud again. I knew she wanted it so I made sure there was plenty of lubrication and I started working my cock into her ass. I went slow at first, not wanting to tear anything but she started moving back and forth which pushed her right onto my pole. Once I was all the way in she got wild. A deep gutteral sound came from her throat and she was slamming her hips back and forth. "OHHHH FUCK MY ASS, FUCK MY ASS HARDER!!!" Here was my girlfriend getting fucked in the ass and pussy at the same time. She was loving it and I was getting it on video! When we were done everyone just collapsed on the floor. I asked how she liked it and she just said "wow!". I looked over at Mike and he was grinning ear to ear and mumbling.
When we went to watch the video it turned out that it shut itself off right before the double penetration sceene. I was a bit dissappointed but still quite content. Cause when I said we didn't get the final scene, Maggie replied shyly "it's ok honey, we can do it again".
rm_horney1forU sa
My introduction is I am pinky having the age of thirty now. We live in Delhi. I am so beautiful, as if some one see me he cannot control on himself with the wish to find me. I am so sexy. My color is pink and my cheeks remains always naturally red. My eyes are black and big, so whenever someone sees me, he says what an eyes. Black hairs but extra long which have a length unto my knees. I have a height of 5.7 inches. Slim body with 36 x 36 boobs and wide hips. My waist is 29.
This is I am at present, so you can imagine, what I was in my early days of school. That time I was with the age 19, when I was in class 10th.i was a regular student of this school since class 5th. Our school was not far away from our residence. After leaving the house we passed the main bazaar and than turned to a street, which ends to the gate of our school. On the corner of bazaar and street a book shop was run by an old man, to whom we all called uncle and all the students of locality purchases the school items from him. With him was a young boy with the age of 25 who was working with him as salesman. Main shutter of the shop was in the bazaar, whereas a small door was opened in the street. Soon entering from this door there were stairs to go up where this young man named Kant lived after closing the shop. In this small residence only one bed was laying two chairs one table, a small bathroom and attached to it was a kitchen.
We often during going to school comes to the shop and purchases the necessities of school work, like pencils, pens copies etc. this was the day when I noticed that Kant is looking at me keenly and smiling. I bought the items needed to me and left the shop for school. This all day in the class I was thinking about Kant. I was young and can understand the looking of a young man on me, as I was so beautiful. But before this I never saw him by this angle. After closing the school I specially went to the shop to see whether his looks love looks or some thing else. I saw that when I entered the shop his eyes brightened and his face was shining to see me. I was not with the need of any thing but I asked him for a pencil. With a great joy he gives me a pencil and during handing over it to me he touched my finger. I was assuring by this act that he is in love with me. I reached at home but was thinking all the time about him. He was 6 feet tall well-built body, bright fair color, black hairs and medium moustaches on face, means he was good looking.
For whole the night I could not sleep. This morning I wake up early, get ready and left the house 10 minutes before my usual time. I reached the shop, bazaar was completely closed and only the shop was opened and Kant was cleaning the shop. Kant saw me early in the shop and frightened but when I entered with a sweet smile in the shop he collected his courage and asked me Pinky very early. I replied yes, he went behind the showcase and asked me what you need. Nothing I replied. After two days there is fun fair in our school and I need two rackets to play badminton. Can you provide me? Yes why not, I can. He replied with joy. I thanked him and turned to go when he called me and said pinky when will you collect rackets. I told him that I would get day after tomorrow. He said ok and I left the shop for school. I felt that his eyes were full of joy and were throwing full fire of love on me but he said nothing by me or. Anyhow whole the time in school was joyful to remember the meeting. At the time of leave I passed through the street and during passing from the shop I noticed that he was looking on the road and perhaps he was looking for me, when he saw me he smiled and jerked his head saying me hello. I smiled in reply and also jerked my head too. Next day I do not go to school because I was programmed of shopping of my new cloths with my mom. Whole the day was busy, first I purchased my clothes and than sewed them for the function in school next day. During all this work, I was only thinking about Kant and I was feeling that I am making my self not for function at school but for Kant. So I took bath and prepared my self completely for next day and whole night waited for next day. This night was very long; perhaps the time of waiting is always long. Early in the morning at 5 I get up and started preparing myself. I was ready at 6.30 am. At exact 6.45 I left home for school, during my departure my mom praised me and said looking very beautiful. I left home and as usual bazaar was closed and no body was on the road except the students going to school. They were one or two. I saw from far away that Kant is standing in front of shop and looking towards the direction of my arrival. Perhaps he saw me and went into the shop, when I reached in the shop, rackets were in his hands and he was standing across the counter. I entered the shop and my heart was pumping very fast and I also felt that same feelings were there in Kant. He saw me and frequently said O Ram you are looking so pretty like fairies. At once he put his hand before me for shake hand and I also could not control on my self and give my hand in his hand. He took my hand in his hand and put his lips on it and kissed. This all happened in a moment. I took rackets and ran to school. I was much happy on his action of kissing my hand.
I remain very happy all the time in school. At 4 o clock I left school and passed through the shop, he was waiting for me, we saw each other but I could not stop intentionally to return the rackets because I planned to return the rackets next day morning when there will be no one in the shop. Next day early in the morning when I left the home I was feeling that some thing must be happen today because he was shown some courage to kiss my hand the day before. When I reached the shop two girls were buying some thing so I waited for them and Kant also do not give me any response. He gave them their required items and become free. When they left the shop he turned to me and said how are you pretty girl and how was your day of fun in school. I smiled. Again he said pinky I wants to say some thing if you allow. Please do not angry. What you want to say. He said pinky you are very much beautiful and I love you. At this moment he came out from behind the showcase and stood in my front. In a moment he saw outside, no one was there, he turned and took me in his arms and kissed me on my lips. As he left me I ran out of shop.
This day I could not read even a single word because all the time his face was in front of me. Even in the book, in the exercise book, on the black board in the face of teacher. he was in front of me. When the time passed I do not know. Bell of closing the school rang and I left the school but this day I do not go by that way. I changed my way. Next two days I do not go by that way. To day I was with the need of a copy so I went to store and asked for a copy to uncle instead of Kant. Uncle asked to Kant for a copy. He brought a copy out of shelf and put a piece of paper in it and handed over to me. I hurriedly reached to classroom and opened the copy; a letter in my name was in it. Which was as follows;
Dear pinky,
I am sorry for the action I did, but I do not did this intentionally.You were looking so beautiful that day; I have no words to talk about your beauty. If you mind it, I am sorry, I could not sleep since last two days, only for this that I have lost my love by my this action. If there is even a small place for me in your heart please do not tease me, I will excuse for this. Please
I was going to be in Syracuse for the week, so I decided to see if anyone was interested in meeting a stranger for a night, while I was there. I looked over the list in my 'friend finder' site, from Syracuse and the surrounding area. I sent out a few queries to prospective one-nighters. After a few days, with no response (which is not unusual), I decided to expand the search to nearby cities. Fortunately, I know the area pretty well so I knew what the towns nearby were. My message was simply "I visit Syracuse about every 6 weeks, and am looking for a woman to entertain, be entertained, when I am there. Interested?? What have you got to lose? I'll be up the 16th!". My profile stated that I am in my 50's, 6'2" tall 200#, blue eyes, and married. That last probably kept most of the ladies away. But I wasn't going to lie about it. The same day, I got a response from a nearby town. "Well, my first response and question is...really? Obviously you read my profile, if so, you know my time is somewhat limited, but what the heck, give me a holler." And she left a phone number. (Turns out, she mis-typed it - I got a 'disconnected' message. So I wrote again, reminding her to pay the phone bill, and said we had to meet.) A couple of days later, I get a call from Syracuse (I knew by the area code). This soft lovely voice introduces herself as the lady from Utica. We chatted for quite a while, switching to my desk phone from the cell (and getting the right number in the process). One thing led to another, and pretty soon, I had to take things in hand as we each tried to see who could turn the other on more! She won. (I think I won too, but I didn't want to ask) . I made a mess on my tummy. We exchanged digital photos - hers a business shot of her hotel, with her at work. Mine cropped from a business photo as well. The next day, we had another hot phone call (with a similarresult - this NEVER happens). And she said she was available Monday night, when I got in. I couldn't wait to meet this exciting lady. We agreed to meet at a local Italian restaurant, which she knew, just off the throughway. We had a couple of exchanges about what we would do to each other in the restaurant, what she would wear (or not wear, as the case may be), and generally made me pretty hot. On the appointed day, all the flights went as planned, and I arrived on time. Went to a liquor store on the way to the hotel and picked up a bottle of Vodka, which I promptly placed in the freezer in the hotel suite. We were going to meet at 6 at the restaurant, 5 minutes away. The minutes crept by sooo slowly. At 5, she called. Seemed her sister in law just happened to mention that she was going to have dinner at OUR restaurant that night. Instant pulse rate increase. (Did I mention that she is married too?) Whoops. I suggested she come to the room and we would decide on an alternate plan. There was always the Holiday Inn adjacent, with a bar and dining room. "Cool" she said, "be there in an hour". Another interminable wait..... At 6, she says she is nearby, but sorta lost. I wander outside with the cell phone, and see her pass the stop sign at the top of the street. With a little on-site coaching, she gets it right and meets me in the parking lot. I get in and sit in the passenger seat. This lady is beautiful! I can see the lovely swell of her breasts, lovely long legs, the dress with the slit (just as she promised to wear) and just the right amount of make up. I decide that the lipstick isn't going to be a deterrent, and I lean over and kiss her directly on those beautiful lips. The kiss lingers. And lingers. We drive to the entrance near my room, and go inside. I have laid out glasses, and I fill them with cranberry juice and the now very cold vodka. Handing her a glass I toast her loveliness. Not much is said as we look at each other, sipping She is nearly as tall as me in her heels, and I place my hands on her waist, pulling her gently towards me. We kiss again, this time longer. Drinks forgotten, we touch each other, kissing, more and more openly, tongues touching, exploring. Hands on backs. Hands on buts. Finally I place my hand on the swell of her breast, which elicits a low moan, encouraging more. Our tummies are tight against one another, I know she can feel my erection against her. We pause to sip our drinks again, and she says, "I think we may never get out of this room". I ask "Is that a problem?". "Nope", she says. More kissing follows, no pretense at propriety this time. Finally, I take her top, which is open at the waist, and pull it up over her head. She is wearing a lovely purple low cut bra, showing off her beautiful breasts. I later discover it is a Victoria Secret model. After more kissing, as we rotate in a small circle, kissing and discovering each other. She removes my shirt. I attempt to remove the skirt, which is a sort of a sarong-like affair. She has to help. She has on matching purple bikini bottoms. "I couldn't go bottomless with this skirt", she says. I can see why. I have to remove the bra, reluctantly (It is so beautiful). Christ, she has these beautiful full breasts with just the right amount of droop. This is a real woman! I have to hold them, feeling their weight, their warmth, and their fullness. Her nipples are standing up fully. Then, kneeling in front of her, the panties. Her flat stomach and brown pussy are now exposed. She has a great tan, with the tan lines showing off the shape of her white breasts. Standing, I drop my own pants, and boxers, which are making quite a tent. She holds my erect member in her hand, remarking on its size (its not all that big, but then I haven't done any comparison shopping - probably 8in.). We move to the bed. Sitting for a bit, kissing some more. I don't know if I have ever had a better kiss. Full lips, just the right amount of tongue. I have a raging hard on, and she touches it lightly, as I cup her full breasts. We embrace and I roll over on top of her. I move down her body after sitting up to look at her. Her breasts flatten wonderfully, her large nipples spreading to the sides and her breasts slipping into her armpits. No augmentation here. This is a real, 100% feminine woman. As I lick and caress my way down her body, she lies with her head back, smiling, eyes closed, her legs spreading in anticipation. I finally approach her crotch, with a light brown patch of fur and pussy lips protruding. I lick around the area, her thighs, her belly, finally just going in, parting her lips with my tongue and enveloping her protruding clit with my mouth. She shudders, and raises her hips to my mouth. She tastes and smells wonderful. I explore her pussy. Licking her opening, inserting my tongue into the sweet opening, but always coming back to the clit. Finally using my front teeth and tongue to gently provide maximum pressure and stimulation, taking her to some kind of release. I feel her pussy convulse, taste changes in the fluids. It is too much! I have to be inside this woman. I moved up and slid into her incredible wetness. She cameright then. Again. We went at it like wild, thrusting and bucking against each other, for what seemed to be forever. She came several times, and I had to work real hard not to. We were kissing, her legs were up in the air, and it was simply wonderful. After a while, probably a half an hour, we stopped a minute to rest. I got up and got the drinks that had been abandoned so long ago. After a few drinks, I started kissing her again. I wanted her on top! She readily complied. It was gorgeous. Her lovel breasts hung down just right, and I sucked the nipples. She sat up, taking me so deep I felt the back of her womb. Holding her head back, I was sure she came twice in succession. She came back forward and kissed me deeply, crushing those fantastic tits against my chest. Finally she got off her knees and up on her feet, suspended over me and proceeded to jump up and down on my cock until she came again. Finally, I rolled her back over and proceeded to fuck her hard again. Then we took a short break, to catch our breaths and another sip or two of our drinks. And then I just could not resist. This time it was slower. Long slow strokes completely filling her. I finally pulled out, after she had cum a couple of times, and worked my way back to her pussy, which I manipulated so that she had an incredible orgasm on my face. I went back up to he face, and kissed her deeply. This time I came inside of her, as hard as I can ever recall. She came with me. The wetness was fantastic. Amazingly, I stayed hard for quite a while longer, and we made love for another 20 minutes or so. Finally, I had to take a break, and she had to take a pee. I finally pulled the covers off the bed and we lay against the cool sheets, kissing and cuddling, completely wrapped up in each other. She finally got to her knees, went between my legs, and placed that wonderful mouth on my slowly recovering member, and sucked me until I was as hard as ever. Then, as promised, she went down my body, licking my legs and finally my toes. Then, also as promised in our phone calls, she placed my big toe inside her pussy and proceeded to fuck herself on my foot. WOW. What a sensation. She was stroking me all the time I was impaling her with my toe. I am sure she came again. Then she got on top, and we went at it again. Finally, after kissing, and fucking some more, I traddled her chest, with my cock between her wonderful titties, held up by her hands, watching the head slip into and out of her mouth. "I want you to cum into my mouth. I want to taste you. I want to feel your cum hit the back of my throat, sliding down into my tummy". But it was not to be. This fantastic woman had drained me completely, and it was time for her to get back home. She put on her work clothes (what fun watching that) after making a run to the car in my shorts and a T-shirt. She finally had to go. We tried to work out another time to be together when I was still there, but it just didn't work out. I don't know when I will see her again, but I have her number, she has mine, and life is too short for just one encounter with this fantastic lady.
imhorny69669 sa
I was only in town a few days, for a technical seminar. I had 'mined' the - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - personals looking for a date the month before, but had had no responses - not even a rejection. Just silence. It was depressing, and I was resigned to spending an early evening with my techno-buddies. I did, however, spend a little time the first evening doing a last minute search, and sent out a couple of messages to ladies who I had missed the week before, with the local # and room number. One in particular had my attention. A 'Jane' (turns out it was her real name) was looking for an evening of uncommited sex. She was married, as am I. Naturally I volunteered, including the hotel number and room number. When I came back from dinner on Fri nite, I noticed that I had a message. Hoping against hope, I quickly listened to the 4 messages there, All from Jane!! Her voice was very exciting - very feminine and bright. I immediately responded positively to her voice mail - she left a number - it was her work number, and she had evidently gone home. I waited a while, hoping she would call. Checked e-mail - no letters. Finally, I got on line again and sent her an e-mail. When I disconnected, I noticed that the message light was flashing (only one phone line in the room). It was a non-message, but I knew it was Jane, so I waited. A few minutes later she called. By now it was 10:30. After apologizing for missing all her messages, I asked her to come over, and without hesitation she agreed - 20 minutes she said. When she showed up (on time) I went down to pay for the Taxi, and she greeted me like we were long time lovers. She had told the cab driver we were husband and wife! I had never seen a picture of her. Her description was "38-24-36", blonde and voluptuous. In the past, voluptuous has been another word for overweight. Not here. Here was a blonde, blue eyed, creature. Thin hips, lovely lips, and all smiles. In the hall on the way to the elevator, she planted a huge wet kiss on me, and threw her arms around my neck. I felt this incredible waist, with a nice swell down to her slender hips. wow. In the elevator, we passionately kissed again. And then again on the way to the room. In the room, it took only a few minutes to get undressed. And then the wonder bagain. Here was this incredible creature. Long blonde hair, the most incredible blue eyes, a tight tummy, slender hips, these incredible legs. And the most beautiful breasts I have ever, in my life, experienced. They were a large C cup or small D, (I never checked her bra.) And completely natural. Large aerola, nice nipples, and just the right amount of sag - causing the nipples to point slightly up. And did I say natural? Incredible. I know - too good to be true, right? Gods honest truth - the above is all if anything, an understatement. We kissed, and rolled around on the bed. She fondled my privates, making me hard. But not too hard - I was too excited/nervous about this beautiful creaure. Finally, she took me in her mouth, swallowing almost all of my 7" cock. I moved down and placed my mouth over her pussy, quickly bringing her to her first orgasm (of many). Meanwhile, she had my cock completely in her throat. Finally, I could stand it no longer. Rolling her on her back, I slowly entered her hot and very wet pussy. I think she came immediately. But I know she came again a few minutes later. Then she came again in the doggy position (her idea). I still wasn't completely hard, so I wasn't getting full penetration, but back in the 'missionary position', I had a mini-orgasm. (I guess I was intimidated by this lovely creature). We played for a little while with my not quite hard organ. I went again into the breach and caused her to cum on my tongue (tasting both of us down there), then passing the taste to her mouth. By now, it was 11 30. She suggested that we rest a bit. We snuggled under the covers, and I tried to sleep. She fell asleep immediately. I couldn't get enough of just looking at this beautiful woman lying beside me. This waist, lovely les, a broad back, and those breasts! So incredible. I may have napped a bit, but about 1:30 I woke up harder than I think I have ever been before. As she was lying on her side, facing away from me, I slipped my now quite a bit larger monster between her cheeks. She reached back and guided me in. She was very wet, and had several orgasms as I impaled her, repeatedly, from behind. My cock now was a raging monster. I had never seen it so big. (I guess I was inspired). We finally rolled her on her back, legs up in the air, and I pounded myself into her causing her to have the loudest (and I assume best) orgasm of the night. Then I found a new spot, all the way in, which hit both of us in exactly the right spot. As she shouted her orgasm, I came again, this time no little mini-cum, but a great big sloppy cum filled orgasm. I almost fainted. Her pussy was now drenched with both our juices. So I took advantage of the lubrication, and pummeled her with long stroke, deep penetration thrusts, slow then fast, moving in and out, up and down, and caused her to cum at least three more times. We fell into a deep sleep, in each other's arms. This was repeated at 4, and again at 6, with my cock staying incredibly hard throughout. I didn't cum again, and It probably saved my life. I'm not sure I could go through another like the last one. She went home at 7, saying she would see if she could get off the next night as well. What a woman. I know almost nothing about her. She knows less about me. Why did she alone respond to my internet search? Why did she come right over. Would she come back tonite? How will I top last night? All I know for sure is that it was the most fantastic evening of my life.
rm_ittefaq25 sa
well i truthfully cant find somebody to rock my world, iam looking for single male hung and i end up with duds, within few hours they cant keep it upwithout a pill or smoke of stuff i dont do, and i believe it comes natural with someone you like and i help it if am horny 24/7every day of week naturally without a pill or smoke of weird stuff, gee guys give me brake.
rm_sapocafe sa
I'm a BiMale and have been swinging on line for a couple of years now. I must admit that it takes some time to find couples but I have found a few. Any couples out there please feel free to get in touch. I met Jack & Jill over the internet while I was out of town on business. Jack said Jill was Bi but he was straight. He said Jill wanted to watch a guy suck hi off but he didn't want to return the act. I said I didn't mind if he didn't want to reciprocate. We chatted on the phone for a while and they invited me to their place. When I arrived Jack met me at the door & invited me in. We sat on the couch and went through some introductions for about 10 minutes when Jill came in. She was wearing a thong and large tee shirt. She said she had been lisitening to us and watching to see if she was really up for it. We chatted for a while longer and decided I should give them both a massage. We retired to the bedroom where we took turns stripping. That was hot. After we were naked both Jack & Jill lay on their stomachs and I took turns massaging their backs. I like to give rubdowns so I spent considerable time as they seemed to be enjoying it. We were using this lotion that "heats up" when you rub it in. I slowly worked my way down to their feet and back up to their asses. I had a hardon that wouldn't quit. I put some lotion down ther crack's of there ass and slowly rubbed m fingers in small circular motions around their assholes at the same time. They both lifted their hips at the same time and I knew I was in for some fun. I slipped my fingers in both assholes at the same time. They were getting hot. I asked them to roll over. Jill's nipples were pointed to the sky and Jack's cock was rock hard. I rubbed some lotion on their both their chests and slowly licked it off sucking their nipples on my way down (Ilove my nipples sucked) and gently kissing their stomachs. I spent a little time licking their inner thighs as workedto their feet. I took turns sucking andd rubbing their feet. They both rnjoyed having theie toes sucked. I worked my way back up and dived into Jill's pussy. I love the taste! Jack got on his knees and straddled her stomach so I alternated licking her pussy and sucking his cock. It was great! I slid my tongue a littlelower and kissed Jill's asshole. She enjoyed that. Jill said she wanted to watch me suck Jack so we went into the living room and he sat on a chair and spread his legs. I alternated sucking his balls and licking his cock. Jill slid under me and took my cock in her mouth. I did the same ffor Jack, God i sure like the feel of a cock as it pushes it's way into my throat! Jill moed up and straddled Jac's cock facing away from him. I had a great opportunity to lickhis balls and her pussy while she road him. EVery once in a while she would lift off and I would slam his dick down the back of my throat. It ws great. Jill want'ed to try double pemetration so I slowly worked a couple of fingers into her ass as I alternated licking her pussy & sucking Jack's cock.I lubed jack's cock and Jill's asshole and she slowly slid down on his cock. Since her full pussy was exposwd I spent some time sucking on he pussy. It was juicy. I slipped a condom on and slid my cock into her pussy. We fucked for about 15 min when Jill said her legs were too tired. Jack asked how my legs felt. I said fine so Jill and I traded places. She slipped a condom on Jack and sed her fingers to get my ass ready. I slid up and down on Jack's cock. Jill knelt in front and sucked my cock. Finally Jack said he wanted to cum but try someting a little different. I got off and he stood up. I knelt down in front of him and started to suck his cock. Jill started stroking me and licking his balls. Jack said to get readdy and I could see him straining. All of a sudden he pissed in my mouth! It started as a squirt but then came a little stream. It gaged me at first but I started to squezze his cock to hold the flow and I could swallow. It was new and great! I was HOT! Finally he stopped pissing and came. Buckets! Jill helped me lick him clean. Jack said he always wanted to do that. He said it was a "total release"
chipper6988 sa
I know you've heard of the old cliche, "She's a daddy's girl." Well, when I was really little, I wasn't all that close to my father, but now that I'm a quite a bit older, I really like to spend a whole lot of quality time with him. So, I guess being a daddy's girl isn't confined to any particular age bracket. Besides, as I've matured, my father has turned into oneof the most handsome, sexy guys I know. Lately, my parents' marriage has not been going too wellat all. I found out later that my mother was losing interest in sexand my father is one of those men who need their quota of pussy daily. He's a construction worker so he's always had a gorgeous tan and a slim, yet muscular, body that he keeps in great shape. Even though he's thirty-two, my Daddy looks years younger. My mother must have been crazy not to want to jump in the sack with him every chance she got. I would have. If the silly bitch didn't appreciate what a gorgeous hunk she was married to, then she didn't deserve him in the first place. Anyway, Daddy was as horny as a ten-peckered billy goat, and I wasn't much better since I broke up with my boyfriend, Ricky, who I'd been fucking since he took my cherry when I was twelve... so I figured I should do my daughterly duty and help us both out. What harm could there be in that? All I had to do was let Dad know I wasn't the sweet little young virgin he thought I was, and that I wouldn't mind some of what mom was missing out on. I'd been thinking about him a lot while masturbating, wonderingwhat his big cock would feel like sliding in and out of my poorneglected little cunny. I just needed the right moment to get his attentionand let him know I was more than interested in a little incestuousfun without coming straight out and saying it. At every opportunity I wore as little as possible aroundthe house, much to my mother's annoyance. Sometimes I didn't wearany bra or panties at all and would innocently it in a position wheremy father could see right up between my legs. I'm sure once or twiceDaddy almost had a heart attack at the sight of my hot little twat pokingout from under my short dress. For a long time he pretended to ignoreit, but as I began to get bolder, he started to get the message. I'dsit on his lap and grind my ass down over his cock-bulge or "accidentally"loose my towel as I came out of the bathroom past his bedroom door.Of course I was careful not to let Mom see any of this, but she was hardlyever home. She was always out at her club meetings or bingo, conveniently leaving Daddy and me alone in the house together. The first inkling that my Dad might have been interestedwas one day when Mom was away shopping. It was the beginning of summerand I wanted to get a head start on my tan, so knowing my mother wouldn'tbe back till late, I put on my favorite string bikini and hit ourpool in the backyard to get some sun. My father came outside with his shirt off to clean the pooland chatted to me as he vacuumed the bottom.

He kept sneaking glances at me when he thought I wasn't looking, but it wasn't hard to notice the hardonI was giving him. I think that this was the first time that he realizedthat I was an available piece of pussy with a tight ass, firm tits, lusciouslips and juicy twat. I had shaved my pussy clean since I started togrow hair between my legs so my bikini lines didn't show and the skimpystrip of string-cloth between my legs concealed very little. Iknew he could see the outline of my hairless little cunt and it aroused meimmensely to show it off to him. I lay in the most subtly seductive posesI could think of, without being too obvious. Playing it to the hilt, I let my legs fall open a little morethan usual as I talked to him, running my hands sensually up anddown my thighs every time he looked at me and pulling down my bikinitops to just above my nipples. Then, after he'd got a good, longlook a my tits, I rolled over to show him my ass. Under the pretext of getting comfortable, I spread my legsslightly and lifted my hips a bit, knowing that my plump little moundshowed clearly, and my young cuntslit would be framed nicely bymy firm, creamy buns. Daddy was panting like a schoolboy by that stage,so I decided to really give him something to look at. "Do you mind if I take off my top, Daddy?", I asked innocently."I don't want to get any tan lines this summer." "Umm... sure, honey!", he stammered, pretending not tobe too interested, but I could see him swallow and lick his lipsnervously.

When I removed my bikini-top and released my pert youngtits, I heard Daddy gasp. I even lay back and arched my back slightly sohe could get a better look. He was trying not to stare, but my perfectlittle breasts were like a magnet to him. I was getting excited just knowingmy big, handsome Daddy couldn't keep his eyes off my tits. I smiledsweetly. "Do you think they need more sun, Daddy?", I asked, tryingto keep my voice sounding casual and innocent. "Huh?" he muttered, tearing his gaze from my chest withan effort. "My boobs, silly!", I said with a grin, "Do you think I shouldtan them some more?" "Er.. no.. I mean yes... I guess so." One look at my bare tits and Daddy was a emotional wreck.I loved it! I knew my hunk of a father was getting turned on and it arousedme something fierce. My hot little pussy was getting wetterand wetter and the bulge in Daddy's pants was getting bigger and bigger.He must have started getting embarrassed, because he suddenly madesome lame excuse about having to go back inside the house and turned to leave.I had to act fast or the moment would be lost. "Daddy!" "Yes, sweetheart?" "If I rolled over, would you please rub some lotion intomy back?" My dad stopped in his tracks and turned around. I gave himmy best daddy's-little-girl-needs-her-daddy look and partedmy legs just a little bit more. He hesitated for a second, then took a deep,shaky breath and came over to me. "Sure, hon. If you want me to, " said Daddy, trying to sound disinterested. But the bulge in his pants that he'd beentrying to hide was even bigger now. I sat up a little so Daddy could sit down next to me and madesure that my naked breast brushed against his arm as I handedhim the tanning lotion. I could see his eyes grow big, and knew that big ol'cock of his was doing the same. My pussy was leaking like crazy and beganto ache with that old familiar feeling. I needed his cock real bad! Daddy lubed up his hands with my suntan lotion and beganto massage it into my upper back. I could hear his breathing patternbecome heavy and erratic, and knew he was feeling like me, extremelyhorny. We were both in need of a good, hot fuck, so why not keep it in the family? He rubbed the lotion into my shoulders and down my back,but stopped short when he got to my waist. "Mmmmmm, put some on my bottom, Daddy. It's really dry,and it needs to be worked in. Do you mind?" "Not if you don't, sweetheart, " he muttered, "Lift yourbutt a little." I got on my hands and knees and raised my ass, watching thelook on his face over my shoulder. Daddy was just staring at my mesh-covered pussy. This close I was sure he could see the moisture leakingfrom my cuntslit. I wiggled my ass at him in fake annoyance. "Come on Daddy!", I smiled. "Don't be shy... do it!" "Huh?" His face was red and his hands were trembling. "Rub the lotion into my bottom before I burn!", I grinned,knowing exactly what he was thinking when I asked him to `do it'. He licked his lips again and reached out, massaging theoily lotion into my upraised buns. I loved the feel of his big, masculinehands on my ass, rubbing and stroking my taut young flesh until ittingled. My pussy was tingling too... for a different reason. I wantedDaddy to rub me there too, but I had to move slowly in case I scared himoff. Although, the way he was rubbing the lotion into my asscheekswas more like fondling than massaging now. Once his fingers evenslid a little way under my open bikini bottoms. I had to suppress a gaspof pleasure as his hands slid between my legs, but he was only rubbing lotioninto my inner thighs. God, it was frustrating! "Mmmmmmmm! Ooooh Daddy, That feels so good! Up a bit!",I moaned sexily, hoping he's get the message. But his hands remained tantalizingly away from my pussy,as if he was scared of touching it... which when you think about it,I guess he was. No doubt the fear of being caught molesting his daughterwas still buried deep in the back of his mind. I had to break down yearsof built up guilt in a matter of minutes or my dad would get `cold feet'and my plan would fail. So, the next time his fingers went close to my pussy, I pushedmy ass slightly back at him. Sure enough, his fingers brushedover my mound, and I couldn't suppress a soft moan. I did it again and Daddy'sfingers stayed there longer that time, lingering for one deliciousmoment on my hot, wet mound before moving guiltily off to continue massagingmy thighs. After a couple more times, Daddy's hand was stayingon my cunt for a lot longer and I could feel his fingers actually pressinginto my cuntslit. I spread my legs wider and moaned was now or never! "Uuuummmmmm! Please touch me, Daddy!", I begged, "Putyou hand on my pussy and rub me there. It feels sooooo nice!" "Jesus, baby! We can't! If anyone ever finds out... especiallyyour mother.... I'll be jail faster than..." "I want you to, Daddy!" I interrupted, pressing my ass backagainst his hand. "I want you to fuck me!" There, I'd finally said it. Now it was up to him, but justto convince him even further, I reached back and grabbed forthe huge lump in his pants. "Ohhhh, God!", moaned Daddy, as my fingers wrapped aroundhis hardened cock-shaft. "You're not a virgin, are you baby?" "What do you think, Daddy?", I giggled suggestively. "I think I'm going to fuck you, that's what!" grinned Daddy staring hungrily at my upraised little ass and cunt. His inhibitions dissolved in a second as I rubbed his erection through his pants. Whatever fears or guilt that had beenholding him back before were suddenly washed away by his lust for myhard young body. I moaned with a mixture of ecstasy and triumph as Ifelt Daddy's big hand cover my little pussy-mound and squeeze it forcefully.My cuntlips pressed together and hot pussy-juice leakedout into his palm as I ground my ass down onto his hand in a frenzy of lust. "Uuuhh, baby, you're so wet!", he gasped, he seemed a bit surprised that his sweet little girl could get so aroused. "You made me wet, Daddy, " I smiled, looking back at himover my shoulder. "My pussy is hot and wet for you! Are you gonnafuck me now, Daddy?" "Ooohhh, sweetheart, yesssss!", he hissed, ripping offmy bikini bottoms with a wild flourish. I was in the perfect position for him to take me from behind,a fact that was not lost on my horny dad. He grabbed me by the hipsand slid his straining prick straight into my cunt from the rear.We both moaned loudly at the deep penetration, but I had little time tocatch my breath. Daddy was so horny, he began pumping his cock intomy tight, hairless little pussy like a piston. He must have been exceptionally aroused, because he fucked me like a wild man. My ass shookand my tits jiggled almost painfully as Daddy plowed into me with jack-hammer strokes.

His big cock was stretching my poor little fuckhole muchwider than Ricky's boyish prick had ever done, and his huge balls slappedagainst my clit, pushing me quickly towards a powerful orgasm.Another couple of strokes of my Daddy's thick cock and I was cumming like crazy.I pushed my cunt back at his cock and arched my back, squealing andwhimpering so loud it was a wonder the whole neighbourhood didn't hearme. Daddy kept slamming into me, fucking me through my orgasmas his own climax began to build rapidly. I heard him snort and felthis pistoning cock swell even bigger as he came with a shudder, fillingmy thirteen-year-old cunt with his incestuous seed. "Ohhhh! Ohhhh, shit! You gorgeous little fuck!", groanedDaddy, as he emptied his balls into my still-convulsing twat. We slumped forward with Daddy on top of me, his twitchingprick still buried deeply in my hairless, cum-drenched little fuckhole.I was squashed beneath his big, muscular body, but I didn't wonderful, handsome Daddy had fucked my cunt and made mecome like I'd never, EVER come before. I was hooked! I was about to rollover and let Daddy fuck me again, when we heard Mom's car in the driveway. "Shit!" bellowed Dad, pulling his semi-hard cock out ofmy pussy and shoving it back into his pants. "Get your clothes back onquick, sweetheart!... Your mother's home!" I scrambled into my bikini and lay back on the pool chairjust in time, as Mom came looking for us. Dad was standing by theedge of the pool fishing out leaves and I was lying back lazily on thechair with my towel around my waist by the time Mom arrived. We both wavedto her nonchalantly but underneath our hearts were pumping madly.To any casual observer, it looked like the perfect backyard family scene,but Mom would have shit in her pants if she knew that only minutesbefore, Dad has his long, hard cock rammed up my tender thirteen-year-oldcunt and we were fucking lile rabbits! Mom was her usual obnoxious self and complained about howbad her day had been until Dad gave me a conspiratorial wink and suggestedwe all go inside for dinner. Mom went in first and Dad and I followed.I knew after what happened he would be watching my butt so I gaveit a seductive little wiggle and was rewarded with an intimatelittle squeeze of my ass as Daddy silently let me know how much he appreciatedour first fuck. I was determined not to let it be our last!

EnglishGal sa
We are an older couple new to the swinging scene. We were not looking for anything out of the ordinary. We were just looking for a guy who was D/D free, was able to carry on a conservation, his dick size was unimportant to us. Secretely we wanted a heavy cummer. After many email and some meeting on netural ground we found one. He was more than we had hoped for. We met at a local restaurant ate a meal then retired to his place. He was a little nervous as he had never screwed a woman with her husband there. We broke the ice by playing strip proker I knew once he saw my wife's hairy pussy he would be ready. First boy did we get a suprise when everyone's clothes were off he was sitting there with a cock a little over 9 inches and a set of nuts the size of jumbo chicken eggs. We retired to the bedroom and things got hot he started eating my wife's pussy and got her hot, she gave him head. Then he started fucking her. He must have screwed her 15 minutes before he cummed. Then he continued to pump for another 5 minutes. He dumped a lot of cum into her as it was pushing out around his cock as he pushed in to her for awhile. I had always wanted to see my wife get fucked by a well-endowed man and I had always wanted to see another man's cum leaking from her well fucked pussy. I got to see both that night. After about a hour break he fucked her again and pumped another huge load into her. I got some great pictures. We will meet David again for sure.
rm_j730430 sa
MY SEXY WIFE Hello all! Welcome to a story about my sexy wife. My wife Dina and I met almost 3 years ago, at a party. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, and she say's the same about me. We were both coming out of bad relationships, following bad marriages. I'm 37 yo w/male 6' 180# with a thick 9" cock, she's a sexy lil' redhead, 5'6" 130# 36d w/pink nipples and a sweetnjuicy pussy. WE hit it off, and we got together the next night and fucked each others brains out. We stsrted experimenting with sexual fantasies after about 6 months together, and had several mfm 3somes, but Sunday night was the best so far, and the beginning of many more to cum. Sunday we went to a party, Dina was wearing a tight little blue dress, and nothing else, cause I like to have her sweet pussy always available. the party itself was uneventful, but afterwards, a couple of the guys came over to our place(we'll call them Brad & Mike), to smoke a little, and just hang out. Dina started showing a little tit, and a flash of pussy, every now and then, but they were a little nervous. So Dina says she's tired and is going to bed. She went upstairs, and we sat and shot the shit fir a few, then I asked them if they would like to fuck Dina! They looked at each other, and laughed a little, then said they would love to, as long as it was alright with me. I said "hell yes". So up the stairs we 3 went. Dina tried to play coy, for about a minute, but since she was already naked, it didn't last long. Just about the time we 3 got our clothes off Dina started to giggle, a excited giggle, cause she knew what was in store for her. Mike joined me 1st in sucking on her tits, then I gave her pussy a couple of licks, and Brad was looking for a spot so I went back to her left breast while he dove face 1st into her pussy. Brad ate Dina's pussy for an hour, while she took turns sucking on mine and Mike's cocks. In the middle of all of this going on I got up and turned on the webcam and we had 44 people watching us gangbang my sweet wife. Then she and Brad did a quick 69 before he starting fucking her, then Mike fucked her, then I fucked her. We all lost track of how many times Dina came, but we invited them to cum back again then they left and I went back upstairs and ate Dina's well fucked pussy again, and then fucked her again. Her only complaints were that we started too late, (we'll definatley start earlier next time) and that one of the cocks was too small.(I'm trying to fix that too)Anyway thats one of my tales of my sweet wife, one of many and many more to cum. So any big dicked guys out there, that would like to eat and gangbang Dina's sweet pussy, and are able to travel to east central Indiana, drop us a line a if you want to be seriously considered send a pic(of face and cock) we will get back to all reasonably goodlooking, well hung men. hope to hear from some of you soon.
rm_Claws830 sa
Hello my name is Dianne. I am nineteen and have an adopted stepsister that is a little younger than I am. My girlfriends name is Joan and she is addicted to eating me whenever she gets a chance no matter where we are. She especially likes it when there is a possibility of someone else watching. Her parents are seperated as well as mine so this gives us plenty of time to be together being that they both work all the time. We were over her house the other day when we found some of her moms magazines. As we looked at them we both were getting incredibly wet but with her mom due home any minute we knew that we did not have time to do anything about it. She also had some vibrators and dildos looked absolutely delicious. One of them had a strap on it.When I asked Joan what that was for she had no idea either. We should not have but we took it with us and, one of her magazines, when we left anyway. I had a treehouse at my house that we always used to hang out in. So we decided to go up there and play. My mom was not going to be home till late and my sister always stayed in her room reading. This made it the perfect place for us to hang out without being bothered.After we got up there we started reading the magazine. It was an article about two women and they tried to seduced their teacher and found out that she was a dyke herself and they got a lot more than they bargained for. The teacher was doing some real teaching on how girls really play with each other. That's when they got to the part about the strap on and how the teacher made the girls use it on each other. This got me and Joan so hot that we just had to try it out. We began to fondle each other.I pulled off Joan's shirt. She never wore a bra. I loved looking at her nipples. They were always poking out through the thin shirts she wore. It drove the guys at school crazy. I began to suck on them and she starting going nuts.I was wearing a sundress with nothing underneath.I loved flashing my teachers whenever I could get the chance. She grabbed it and said we are going to get rid of this right now.With that she pulled it over my head.I then grabbed her shorts and panties and pulled them down over her smooth legs. She has the sexiest legs of anyone I have ever seen. My treehouse had a matress in it with a couple of fluffy pillows. We layed down on the matress and began to french kiss each other while we played with each others clits and nipples. My chest was considerably bigger than her so my nipples did not stick out like hers but they were just as sensitive. We always kept some baby oil so that we could make our skin silky smooth. I went down on Joan and began to lick her delicious pussy. She did not have much pubic hair so it was easy to reach her puffy pussy lips. Her clit was stickin out like the end of a pencil. As I nibbled on it she went wild and started thrashing about and screaming. We did not have any neighbors close by so I did not think anything of it and continued to suck and nibble on her for all I was worth. After she came wildly she told me that is was my turn. She rolled me over and began to rub my breasts with baby oil. My nipples were already hard and my pussy was sopping wet. She pulled out the strap on and said it is time we give this baby a try. It took a few minutes to figure how to put it on but we finally figured it out. Joan put some oil on the top of it and put at my pussy opening. I had never had anything inside me but Joan's fingers and mine before. At first I thought it was going to rip me open but it slid in alot easier than I thought it would inch by inch. When she reached the top of the inside of me I orgasmed immediately. It touched a spot in there that was absolutely dreamy. As she began to slide back and forth inside me I came over and over again. It was the best feeling that I had ever had in my life. When I had came about twenty times in a row I told her it was her turn to feel what I just had. Joan took it off and licked that magical tool completely clean. Then we put some baby oil back on it. I put it on prepped her pussy with some intense pussy lapping. She was already wet and ready to go. I placed the head of the dildo at the opening of her hot little hole and pushed it in slowly. She was moaning with extreme pleasure when I got it all the way inside of her. I left it there for just a minute and moved around in little circles. The look on her face was incredible. I thought she was going to faint for a minute. I started sliding in and out slowly when she started moaning again. The faster I moved the the loader she got. It wasn't long before she was screaming and coming like a wild animal. I grabbed her highly sensitive nipples and sucked on them for all I was worth. She was going insane with pleasure when all of the sudden I heard my little sister behind us. She asked what we thought we were doing. Joan pleaded with me not to stop. She was coming so hard she did not want me to stop. My sister started telling me that she was going to tell my mom and hurried back down the stairs that went up to tree house. I was so panicked we stopped and got dressed. Joan went home and I hurried into the house to talk to my stepsister. When I walked up to her room I could not beleive my eyes my little sister was naked on her bed frigging herself for all she was worth. Her breasts were small but her nipples were alot bigger than Joan's were. I took a second to think about what to do. I thought to my self " well we're not related-not really" since she was adopted. So I decided to burst into her room. I was going to act like I was going to plead with her not to tell my mom. I walked in and said please don't say anything...and stopped and said you asked me what I was doing what are you doing. She pulled her fingers from her dripping pussy and said please please do to me what you were doing to Joan. We are a lot closer now and plan to invite Joan over tomorrow. Should be a great day.
rm_sweetkick sa
This is surly not a success story. I don't care what you read concerning how great other people describe how sucessful they were in meeting someone who fulfilled their desires, it is all make believe. First of all people of this nature find partners through word of mouth, not through this service that cost you money. This is another way of taking advantage of people who have a low IQ to begin with and who are unaware of being duped. The sucess rate must be below 10% which means you have a better chance of being hit by lighting then by scoring a hit with this service. Men who advised for women are either a wantabee or just trying to be a man which they are not. They are like most of your ordinary big dick men or women who thing they want another cock, they are full of shit as far as i am concerned. All your so called horny men and women don't response to a sincere couple who want to forfill your so call desire that you hold to be a special thing.Once my menbership is up, fuck you all.
rm_charmed4life sa
I have met several women (mostly married) through adult friend finder, I have had great no strings attached sex with all of them and am looking forward to my next meeting this coming week. If you are honest and upfront with the women here you stand a real good chance of meeting them and having great sex. Thanks for the site.
rm_secretwish356 sa
Hello, this add is not a sucsess story, more a failer story. I guess getting laid just isn't in the cards for me. I am a 21 year old Automotive Mechanic, most people who know me or have just met me say I am a hell of a nice guy, I think they are full of shit, but I don't truly care what other people say about me. I personaly think I am an ass hole, but it is other peoples opinions that places me in socioty, not who I know I am. I am not shy to tell people what I think or to take care of buisness. With this all in mind, would you belive I aint had a date in two years??? I always ask a Gal out if I am interested, straight foward of what I want, but not like wanna fuck, I usualy take a nice approch, and always am excepted for a get together. Always get stood up... Not good in my opinion, Not one gal is willing to even give me a standing chance, what is the deal with this??? most 99% of people I write to toataly disreguard my letters, the other one percent write back, but never respond again, I was out of work for two months on disability, I wanted to get to make friends, get laid and have some fun, but in that two months, giving it my all, Same results, I tried the nice gentalman approch, the toatal ass hole approch and every thing in between, talking to and writing to hundreds of wemen, not one was human enough to give me the time of day. My theory, I am flat broke. most of the wemen in my local area wont hook up with a decent guy that will treat them right, they want to hook up with some ass hole with money, I call them hookers, isn't that the tearm for it? I don't even push sex right now, I wanted to find friends being most my friends have noved away and I work to much to have time normally to meet new friends. so if you have a thought on what I am doing wrong, or want to chat with a sopposedly nice guy, look here but I wont try to buy you... I don't know if you have any I deas as to what the hell I am doing wrong, get back to me at or get ahold of me if you want a friend in the Ventura California area. I hope to get some feed back, thank you for reading my pathetic ramblings C.K.
rm_capt1102 sa
I fucked & sucked My Cousin Off.
I was 14 so was he we started looking at my parents porn thengot so aroused that we decided to wank each other off! Bit dubious at first but it was so nice....he wanted to kiss I did not but then we in turn wanked and sucked each others cocks while my sister was downstairs, I really enjoyed the cocksucking and wanking but not keen on taking it up the arse. I dont think I am gay because I like sex with women too much, but it was an erotic experience. Whilst it was his turn to wank me I came so hard it hit the ceiling!!! We could not beleive it.We did wank and suck each other off about 3 more times between the ages of 14 and 16 but then grew out of it. But even today I have got a curious attraction to TV's and crossdressers I have done this quite a few times and find Lingerie to be the Ultimate Pleasure.i love sniffing them etc;I was once caught by an ex girlfriend dressed up in her sisters lingerie sussies, G.String etc; she was well upset even though we had an amazing Sex Life.I have been wanked off by a neighbour once too aged 17 but thats all it was. I am very curious about having oral and wanking sessions with a 'Beautifull TV' but no dicks up the arse sorry.Women are still my main passion but I reckon I could still go both ways partially.My next door neighbours mother who was south african always seemed to make a beeline for me as I was always looked upon as a pretty boy.On xmas she came into my bedroom where I had just been tossing myself of whilst a Xmas party went on downstairs.She came in to ask why I was not in the party and to come down to it? I said no so she gave me a xmas kiss, I was 15 she was 39.She did not kiss me she tounged me like a whore on heat it was awesome!!!My cock was throbbing to be sucked, and you could tell she knew what the effect was on me under the quilt.My already wanked and spurted sticky cock wanted her to suck it and you could tell so did she! But she was having second thoughts about what she was doing (Sobering up)and she just kissed me again and went back to the party.Gutted but had an amazing wank thinking about what could have been! Later that year went into her house on a chore nobody was in so went up to her bedroom and sniffed her panties and stole atiny G.String to wank over also found porno books and a small 5inch vibrator under her bed which I sniffed and licked clean and wanked myself off and rubbed my cum all over the vibrator.The thrill of getting cought was amazing and gave me a mega climax!!!Good times.
rm_Ram1027 sa
Hi, I just wanted to tell everyone - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - is working for us. We are only three monthes into the swinger "lifestyle" And we are lovin it. Our goal was to expierience a m/f/m threesome. We did that and it was fabulous. We are meeting with a female to have a f/m/f thresome this weekend. And we are "making friends" with two different couples right now. It is great. Thank you - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -!!!!!
rm_Ram1027 sa
From a guy that is very happy. First gotta say thanks to - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - Really thanks. The number one person that I wanted to meet on this site I met.We met last night and I am very happy with her. Her pictures on this site don't do her justice and with any luck the pictures will be coming down soon. Not gonna say who she is but hopefully she'll read this and know that she is being thought of. We talked quite a bit before we met and I am soo looking forward to talking to her again. I really am looking forward to seeing her again as well. She is so cool. I really am hopeing everything works out. My ad is coming down cause after meeting her there is nowhere to go but down. I couldn't have hoped or wished to meet anyone else more than her. Just a few descriptive things so she knows who I am talking about. She has green eyes, hazel sometimes. Has a beautiful smile. Shoulder length brown hair that smells so nice. She is currently driving a rental cause her car is in the autobody shop. Her favorite perfume is Ralph. And She brought me a rose that I am soo trying to take care of. I want to give her myself completly. I don't fall for all the girls but I am falling for her. I mean I might need a parachute. To keep it simple. She is the most wonderful woman that I have met in my twenty nine years on this earth. And to think a friend of hers put her ad on this site as a Joke at first. ######.!!! is thanking fate at the moment.And I am anxiously awaiting the chance to cook her the dinner that she wants. And to the beautiful angry driver listening to N Sync you have my number so call me I'll be waiting. 12/13/01
rm_djpepe001 sa
well, i have no success story yet. but, i will like to encounter a lady who wont mind that i am married. i hope next time i would already have my success story
tightcunt2010 sa
i am 20 and a male.this story is about a strange sex experience. my maternal aunt(my mom's sister)works in a bank , she's 35 and stays with her other elder married sisterwhich is near my house. one day my elder mat. aunt had to go out of the city with her husband, so she came to our house to tell me to sleep in her house as my younger aunt will be alone after she comes back from her work and would be afraid to stay alone.i accepted her demand and did so. i reached their house at 8:00 p.m. we were watching t.v. and suddenly i saw my aunt going to the toilet i thought this was my chance as now it was 11:00 p.m. and on the other channel the movie "KAAMSUTRA" was coming . as i was deeply involved in watching the movie my aunt came.i was very afraid to see her there and embaraced too.but she smiled at me.and i felt it very strange! as i was lying on the sofa she saw my dick erected through my pant , she came near me and carressed my i got excited too and started to kiss her all i undressed her and she was completely nude.she did the same with me. now we both lay there naked and i was licking her breast and pussy soon i fucked her as was happening in the movie.i assfucked her was a great experience.we spent the whole night my sucking and fucking. now whenever we get the chance we again try to have aunt is a great partner.
rm_xyz511 sa
i am 20 and a male.this story is about a strange sex experience. my maternal aunt(my mom's sister)works in a bank , she's 35 and stays with her other elder married sisterwhich is near my house. one day my elder mat. aunt had to go out of the city with her husband, so she came to our house to tell me to sleep in her house as my younger aunt will be alone after she comes back from her work and would be afraid to stay alone.i accepted her demand and did so. i reached their house at 8:00 p.m. we were watching t.v. and suddenly i saw my aunt going to the toilet i thought this was my chance as now it was 11:00 p.m. and on the other channel the movie "KAAMSUTR" was coming . as i was deeply involved in watching the movie my aunt came.i was very afraid to see her there and embaraced too.but she smiled at me.and i felt it very strange! as i was lying on the sofa she saw my dick erected through my pant , she came near me and carressed my i got excited too and started to kiss her all i undressed her and she was completely nude.she did the same with me. now we both lay there naked and i was licking her breast and pussy soon i fucked her as was happening in the movie.i assfucked her was a great experience.we spent the whole night my sucking and fucking. now whenever we get the chance we again try to have aunt is a great partner.
rm_xyz511 sa

Twitch_N_Tich here. We want to thank - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - and one of the chatters in the Canadian room for putting us together. Thanks Classy44 from us both.
We met on the way to an - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - party in Toronto on November 4th, 2000. In April of this year we bought a house together and are now living in Brantford.
Next May we are expecting our first child. Guess you could say an - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - baby.
THANKS - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -,
Love, Twitch_N_Tich
rm_xyz511 sa
My first time.
It was my first year in High school. I started dating Dianeand we really liked each other. Like most relationships, we would hold hands & talk. The feel of her skin against mine was fantastic. When I first held her hand, it was great. One day, we dediced to walk home from school instead of taking he bus. It was a warm fall day. We held hands & talked about many things. We stopped at a service station for a coke & went out back to talk. We decided we wanted to kiss each other and we did. I held her close as our lips first met. It was great. My heart pounded, and my penis grew hard. I am sure she could feel it get hard as we were pressing each other very close. After I left her, I walked home just thinking about how great it felt to hold her & kiss her. The following Friday was a dance at the school. My first dance, and I was looking forward to being with Diane. She showed up in a pink dress, and looked great. We danced the fast ones and really enjoyed rubbing against each other on the slow ones. It was a great night. After I got home, I called her & we talked on the phone. The talk led to questions about sex. I had never seen what a woman looked like so I asked her what she looked like. As she was describing herself, I got a ragging hard on. I could not help but touch myself while she talked. She wanted to know what I looked like and I attempted to describe myself to her. She said she knew of a private place in teh woods near her home and suggested that we meet there on Saturday and we could continue our converstation. When I hung up the phone, I was so excited I couldn't breath. I could not wait for Saturday. Then, I made up some laim excuse to my mom so I could leave. She wouldn't let me go until I had completly cleanded out the garage. I was really mad. If I did not get it done, I would not be able to go see my friends. So I had to unload alot of shelves and stuff. While I was cleaning, I came across some playboys my older brother had hidden. The girls looked great, but I got a hard on that would not go away. I decided to put the magazines away and get my work done or I would never get to see Diane. It was after 5 pm before I got my work done to my mother's satisfaction. I was really annoyed, but rushed in to call Diane. She said she had to babysit at 6, so we could not get together today. I was so mad at my mother!!! So, I went back to the garage and found the magazines. I started looking at the gorgous women in the pictures and my hard on sprang to life. The more I looked the more I wanted. I was rubbing myself, hiding in the back of the garage, when my mom opended the side door and called for me. I thought I would shit my pants, cause if my mother caught me looking at those magazines, I and my bother would be grounded for a month. So she called for me, and I yelled back, "Yes ma", in a rather horse voice, and she told me I had a phone call. I hurriedly put the magazines back, let my shirt hang over my pants to cover my hard on, as I rushed past my mom to get the phone. She stopped me, and asked me if I felt Ok, since I was red, and sounded horse. She thought I might be coming down with something. (She did not know I was just cumming and wanting to go down on something) When I got to the phone, it was Diane. She was babysitting a few blocks away. She said the kids she was babysitting went to bed at 8 and suggested I come over. I need a story for my suspecious mother. When I got off the phone I waited a while to cool off. Then I asked her if I could go visit my friend Jeff (He lived close to where Diane was Babysitting) She wanted to feel my forehead to see if I was sick, and suggested I stay home. I told her I need a break, I had cleaned up the garage and I just wanted to go to my friends house. She finally relented. I secretly called my friend Jeff, and told him what was up, and that if my mother called, wanting to talk to me, to tell her I was in the bathroom, and then come & get me. So I was set. 7:30 I left the house as a boy and was dreaming of returning a Man! When I got to the house, Diane answered the door. She let me in the back door to the basement. She had to read bedtime stories to the kids so she told me to wait downstairs. It seemed like hours before she finally came downstairs at 8:20. We sat on the couch and started kissing. My hands slowly moved up her side towards her breasts. She started to moan a little. As I was slowly starting to touch them through her blouse, she said, wait a minute. Then she stood up. Took off her blouse and her bra & sat back down into my arms. I could not belive how great she felt. It was like touching velvet, soft & smooth. My pants were getting very tight. We kissed for a while and I was getting dizzy. She said, "I have shown you some of me, so what to I get to see of yours?" So I stood up, took off my shirt. She said, stop. She slowly ran her hands over my chest, stopping to touch each nipple. Then, when she got to my waist, she went over my pants and touched my penis. I knew I was in Heaven. She unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. She reached inside and touched the front of my underwear. I started to twitch as I could feel her hand starting to explore inside the front of my jeans. Suddenly there was a knock at the back door. We both jumpped and thought we got caught and were up for a firing squad. We quickly got dressed and answered the door. It was Jeff, saying I had to come & call my mother. I knew then & there that I hated my mother. be continued........
rm_xyz511 sa
Thanks to - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - I have met an incredible lady. We met on a "sexual encounter only" basis, but since that first meeting we have really started to find out about each other and have turned this into a very positive relationship. We are both 44yrs old so we both know what we were looking for in the opposite sex. We both were a little leary about getting on-line and finding someone to have an encounter with. We have fun times together and we have GREAT sex too. I think we have both found someone who we can truely be happy with for a very long time to come. Thanks - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - Mike
rm_xyz511 sa
i never dreamed i would meet so many nice, hot women who enjoy sex as much as i do. im a married man who gets no sex at home and wants to sexually please a woman and whose wife wants no part of sex anymore. im in my early 50's and love woman of all ages, sizes, shapes, colors, etc as long as they are pleasant to be with and enjoy anything pain-free or not too painful. my latest encounter was with a black lady who is 5'9" with long legs, large breasts and the sweetest tasting pussy ive had to pleasure to eat. im 5'5" with a little extra padding and she also had a little extra padding. weve spent 3 different mornings with each other and the last time she was sitting on my face for a long time moaning "i cant believe i cant stop cumming" i have a shaved head with a goatee and when we finally disengaged, her delicious nectar was dripping from my sopping wet face. i never felt so happy and proud of myself that such a magnificent lady said she never enjoyed herself as much as this time. i have had several other great encounters over the last year thru - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - if there are any other ladies out there who would be interested in meeting me, i live in the central new jersey area and am available monday thru wednesdays during the morning and early afternoons. my - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - address is i do travel in my business from thursday thru sunday to areas as far west as chicago and all over the east coast. my thanks to - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - for the opportunity to meet some wonderful and exciting ladies. keep UP the good work because you guys help me keep it UP.
rm_hunting4sex69 sa
I received an email one day was advised that one member was visiting my area and i was excited and waiting for her to come and ring me unfortunately she never rang me and i am still waiting if anyone is coming to nairobi please contactme so my dream is fulfilled and you will not regret it.
rm_cuteguy200200 sa
I had meet some men on - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - that just seemed like losers so I was beginning to count it out as a lost cause until I meet Moe. We are both in Korea, him working for the American military and me as an English Teacher. I saw his profile and wrote him thinking that once more I would be disappointed by the result but this time I was plesantly surprised. We talked on the phone for a coupld of hours discovering that we had a lot in common which made it even more interesting when he picked me up at the train station. I knew he was black american and although I have dated men outside my own white race he really was the first black man I had ever been with. We went back to his place and looking over Seoul from the balcony of his 17th floor apartment I was already glad that I had decided to meet this man. We sat on the sofa nice and close watching a movie with no sound while listening to some soft music, he then reached over and kissed me... our lips were locked together as he moved his hand up against my tits. Now I must admit that I am not the best looking woman on the planet, I am fat plain and simple but with that comes huge tits and Moe liked them a lot. We decided to move it into the bedroom and there we undressed slowly. Moe has a great body and the most amazing thing is that he has no hair on his body.. I have never touched a man whose skin was so smooth. I traced my fingers slowly down his smooth chest and came to that rock hard shaft.... it was the biggest I have ever seen and for a moment it scared the shit out of me. I thought there was no way it would ever be able to fit into my pussy. I slid my tongue slowly down to his cock and took it into my mouth, and I began licking it before taking it completely into my mouth. Moe moaned and I knew that he liked what I was doing. I sucked on him for a moment before he pulled me up onto the bed. I must admit that I was still worried about that huge penis but Moe slwoly eased me onto his swollen shaft and then he began to pump me in slow easy movements. The pain was intense, he is so huge but I loved it....... Moe got into a wild rythm that rocked my world and I found myself screaming for him to not stop. He then pulled me on top......... I love riding a man and we stayed like that for what seemed hours, me humping that huge shaft. There were moments when I thought he was going to rip me in half but we would slow down for a moment only to start again a few minutes later, all the while my pussy still riding him. We then shifted postions to doggy style. He humped me more and more until my pussy was throbing from all the stimulation.... and when we both finally collapsed I thought neither of us would ever be able to move ever again.... but after a couple of hours of sleep I woke up to find a rather interesting finger rubbing my pussy raw... I could not believe this man wanted more but he did so we went at it again......... and again and again. All night long we rocked and fucked my screams probably keeping his neighbours awake too. later when he took me to the station Moe told me he wanted a repeat performance and I am more than ready to repeat any time he wants..... I am also happy to state here for the record that - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - is one fucking great place to meet people for fun and games............ THANKS
Sexy4you4457 sa - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - is simply great........Through - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -, I have met so many women that I have literally lost count !!! I have lots of beautiful women as my close friends and several women have become great sexual adventurers in my presense(I`ve seen this myself !!!)I`ve also been into 3-somes with several beautiful women and they attain multiple orgasms with me as I give them long hours of positive sex as a women would expect them !!! Plus I`m NOT a wham-bam type, instead I feel a women needs more sustained arousal spanning over several hours.I simply love meeting new people everyday coz it makes ur life brighter & brighter day by day :) Majority of my friends are all females because I seem to have an uncanny knack of knowing exactly what females want !!! All women also look up to me in some way or other as a person to share their intimate feelings !!! That is they feel good in my company because I understand them as they are.Sometimes I wonder, if there were no females?.thisworld would have gone to the dogs !!! I`ve been friends with several females and they make my life better with their warmth and affection.So I could say I`m a loveable guy?..the kind women love to hang out with !!! ; ) I never interfere in matters not concerning me or I respect everyone`s privacy and give them their space?.Also regarding sex?.I always advocate safe and pleasurable sex?.Maybe my background as a Gynaecology & Obstr technologist has something to do with my way of thinking : ) And maybe that?s why I understand women better?.both inside and outside ; ) Now a little about me :) I`m a handsome & extremely virileguy, 6 ft 3 inches tall and healthy.I`m a Gynaecology & Obstr technologist ... pursuing research in gynaecological technology and childbirth paradigms.I also have my own entertainment company as a side-business.My profile on - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - is charmed4life....And hmmmmmmmm sex...that is something which is divine and beautiful to me, its the sheer magic of sex that keeps me going on in life :) I should say that I have an exceptional voracious appetite for sexual adventures...You could call me an expert in the matters of sex positions including enacting fantasies of different sorts....... Several women have experienced positive sex with me(3-somes, 4-somes etc) and have said that they enjoyed every moment of it !!! Thats becoz my rapport with women makes me realize their needs, moods and desires.Thats why I have lots of women as my friends, they guide me and I guide them ;) Thanks - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting -
Sexy4you4457 sa
I want to fulfill my lover's fantasy for his Christmas present of watching another woman with me...but I can't find anyone with experience, some woman who knows what she's doing and will excite me to orgasm. I wouldn't even mind another couple with both men watching but I don't know where to look, how to find someone...any advice? Time's running out as Christmas is only 21 days away! He just told me this fantasy and I'd love to fulfil it for him. Thanks so much for any help you can give me.
rm_can14 sa
I'm a 28 yrs. young male looking for some erotic fun over the phone.
I usually talk to girls on phonelines when working late. And let me tell you, I tend to work late every day.
I'm looking for some females that would like to talk dirtyto me, and help me fill out our needs over the phoneline.
Lets make up a great fantasy, leave me a messagfe and I'll get back to you.
rm_Adventurer55 sa
你 啊 ! 我 第 一 天 看 到 你 ,就 准 备 和 你 交 下 ,而 且 就 想 ---』

『 怎 麽 ? 』

『 跟 你 结 婚 ! 』 林 大 卫 一 个 翻 身 , 把 她 拦 腰 抱 住 。

此 刻 , 只 听 朱 丽 在 叫 『 你 好 坏 , 一 点 也 不 老 实 。 』

只 听 朱 丽 叫 道 :

『 哎 哟 .....死 相 ........』

大 卫 轻 咬 着 她 的 乳 头 。

朱 丽 马 上 , 欲 火 燃 烧 了 起 来 。

大 卫 见 其 紧 闭 双 眼 , 便 知 其 已 进 入 情 况 。

便 一 个 转 身 , 把 她 的 热 裤 拉 了 下 来 。

连 三 角 裤 也 一 起 拉 了 下 来 。

至 此 ! 朱 丽 , 已 变 成 赤     的 躺 在 床 上 。

大 卫 便 蹲 在 床 沿 下 。

头 低 了 过 去 , 伸 出 舌 头 要 去 舔 朱 丽 的 小 穴 。

大 卫 拨 开 其 两 边 的 阴 核 。

一 看 里 头 红 润 润 的 , 淫 水 直 流 出 来 。

真 是 迷 死 人 了 !

大 卫 忍 住 。

舌 头 往 其 阴 蒂 上 舔 过 去 。

只 见 朱 丽 双 手 乱 抓 。

屁 股 不 停 的 扭 动 。

状 似 , 很 痛 苦 , 又 兴 奋 。

大 卫 下 下 吸 住 其 阴 道 。

又 轻 轻 咬 着 其 阴 蒂 。

朱 丽 , 至 此 已 山 洪 瀑 发 。

穴 水 直 往 外 流 。

大 卫 转 身 , 将 头 对 着 小 穴 猛 吸 。

鸡 巴 往 她 脸 上 直 摇 动 着 。

她 也 不 管 那 麽 多 了 。

抓 起 大 鸡 巴 。

便 往 自 已 口 里 送 。

也 开 始 猛 吸 起 来 。

朱 丽 一 吸 鸡 巴 , 大 卫 就 感 觉 异 常 舒 服 。

心 中 的 快 感 , 真 是 无 法 形 容 。

大 卫 也 忍 不 住 道 :

『 朱 丽 , 你 怎 麽 这 麽 会 吸 呢 ? 』 。

朱 丽 正 在 爽 快 中 , 没 有 回 答 大 卫 的 话 。

继 续 吸 弄 着 大 鸡 巴 。

连 二 个 蛋 蛋 都 吃 了 进 去 。

大 卫 哎 道 :

『 好 朱 丽 , 你 太 会 吸 了 ....哎 呀 .....』

大 卫 不 停 的 狂 叫 道 :

『 唔 ......舒 服 ......我 .........』

『 我 要 干 你 .....好 不 好 ? 』

朱 丽 硬 抓 着 大 卫 的 大 鸡 巴 狂 吸 着 不 放 。

下 下 都 整 根 鸡 巴 吸 了 进 去 。

大 卫 看 了 , 都 怔 住 了 。

从 内 心 服 了 朱 丽 的 能 干 !

大 卫 哀 求 道 :

『 好 姊 姊 , 你 快 放 手 吧 ? 』

朱 丽 道 :

『 你 怎 麽 了 吗 ? 叫 个 不 停 。 』

大 卫 道 :

『 这 还 要 问 吗 ? 』

朱 丽 见 大 卫 急 成 这 个 样 子 。

便 不 好 意 思 再 闹 下 去 。

便 放 开 了 双 手 。

大 卫 的 鸡 巴 获 得 自 由 。

马 上 一 个 转 身 , 鸡 巴 对 准 其 小 穴 插 了 进 去 。

朱 丽 的 小 穴 此 时 也 流 出 一 大 堆 淫 水 。

大 卫 插 了 进 去 後 , 如 同 脱 疆 之 马 。

狂 抽 狠 干 了 起 来 。

五 分 钟 内 , 大 卫 狂 抽 了 五 、 六 百 下 之 多 。

朱 丽 也 开 始 叫 道 :

『 哎 呀 ....舒 服 .....好 人 .......我爽 ......』

『 会 干 穴 ........的 哥 哥 ............』

『 卜 滋 .......卜 滋 .......』

『 哎 呀 ....要 命 ...........我 要 尿尿 了 ......』

大 卫 道 :

『 我 的 , 有 没 有 你 别 人 的 好 用 ? 』

朱 丽 道 :

『 你 的 棒 多 了 .......又 长 .......又粗 ......

.....下 下 直 抵 花 心 ......爽 呀 ...........』

他 又 直 叫 道 :

『 你 真 是 .....天 生 的 好 鸡 巴 .......哦..... ..』

大 卫 笑 道 :

『 小 宝 贝 , 如 果 你 不 反 对 , 今 天 .......』

朱 丽 道 :

『 今 天 怎 麽 .....嘛 ? 』

大 卫 道 :

『 我 想 整 天 搞 你 好 吗 ? 』

朱 丽 道 :

『 谁 呀 ! 干 我 啊 ? 』

大 卫 道 :

『 真 的 吗 ? 』

朱 丽 道 :

『 只 要 你 够 力 , 我 都 可 以 陪 你 。』

BaldyBeardyMan sa
Do women like to suck and lick shaved cock and balls ? Do you like to help shave the cock and balls, or assist inthe shave, or do you like to have the man shave his own cock and balls ? What about sucking and licking cock and balls turn you on and why ? I keep my cock, balls, and the area all the way to my ass hole shaved and it really adds to the cum. When the pussy is shaved as well we both get soaked.
Mike100651 sa
Before i was married i was wild with sex. i had avibrator i use to use. then someone i know gaveme a big black one, & when i used it it made my pussy so wet & made me cum so mch it wouldnt stay in i was so wet. i also had a vibrator in my butt befoe but the real thing feels a lot better. My pussy is so wet right now i wish i hd aman or womans tongue or fingers or a mans cock in it now. when i drank vodka one time i waas havin sex with my boyfriend & i pouredcap full on him then i licked it off till he was so horney he couldnt stop cumming, It helped that we were both hi to, oh whata rush, i wish i could doit again.
rm_boby1984 sa
rm_nkggoyal2514 sa
Fucking my lovely Puneet hi, u ll guys n gals this a story of hard full powered sex ihad with my fiend's sweetheart puneet, the girl with the ultimate libido. those interested in full details could always contact me at happy fucking, mudit.
wantagf sa
hi i was on this site for a week and hadn't even gotten one e-mail and i had sent about 20 of them myself then all of a sudden i get an e-mail from another member on the site .Well we chatted a couple of times and agreed to meet , we met at a local restaurant -bar and had a couple of drinks we were both married but looking for that great sexual experience, we left the restaurant and got in my truck we started kissing and i suggested we find a better place to continue this adventure.We found a cheap motel down the road from the restaurant i rented a room and we went in by now my cock was throbbing and i could see my partner eyeing my crotch, since we were both a little nervous i made the first move i slowly kissed my partners neck as she rubbed my throbbing penis she unzipped my pants reached inside and pulled the swollen member out of my jeans she got on her knees and slowly started licking, kissing, and sucking me we then moved to the bed where i proceeded totake off her panties and work her clit with the end of my tongue by now we were both pretty hot and bothered.I rolled her onto her knees and she told me doggy style was her favorite position , mine too i replied i slowly penetrated her soft warm lips and pumped my hard cock until she moaned with pleasure, we spent the next 2 hours exploring each others bodies and then went our separate ways we have met once since that time and have become good friends and sex partners i'm looking forward to meeting other - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - members. harleydude02719
Runnin_Bare sa
Hi, we are a cpl. and we have an ad on - Transgender sexkontakt i Sverige, shemale dejting - .The ad ask's for men that will play with my wife, Candy while i watch and flim her and the guy we meet from the AD . He is a black man that was a football player for the Denver broncs, he's 6' 10" bout 280lbs he is all muscle .We met him at a club for drink's , my wife was in a silk blouse that buttoned up the front no bra , and a mini skirt that just covered her clean shaven mound . Jake liked what he saw he ran his eye's from top to bottom , she also eyed him stopping at his buldge she looked up to his face and said that she liked what she saw , we moved to a table he had waiting .At the table he ask if she could sit in between us i said sure so he slid in and then her her nipples were hard as rocks pushing at the silk , he looked them and licked his lips she had popped one more button open her milk white tit's were moist from her looking at the site of his cock. He put his hand on her shoulders and carressed her neck and moved his fingers of his other hand to her buttons and undid one more she moved so he could see her left nipple , he ask her if it was ok to touch it she took his hand and slid it to her swollen nipple she let him rub it as she looked up at him as he lowered his lips to hers . The girl from the bar came over looking at his hand inside my wife's top then to me she ask if i wanted some drinks i said sure i want a fuzzy navel to cool me off , she lol she could use one to .Candy & Jake broke the kiss and ask her for a fuzzy navel and a jack and coke .Jake was unbuttoning the rest of her top as the girl stared at my wifes 38D tits as he opened the top exposing them to her i ask if she liked what she saw .She blushed saying yes Jake ask if she wanted to feel them , she nodded yes saying she would be back with our drinks.Jake took Candy''s tit in his hand cupping it as he lowered his mouth to the swollen nipple and licked it then sucking it in to his hot lips then letting it pop out .Candy had been unbuttoning his shirt so she could feel his chest , i ask if he had done this at this club before .He said yes that on Friday they let swingers only in so no one would be ofended! I ask him if he knew the girl waiting on us , he said no she must be new saying he was going to get her horney as hell if it was ok with us.Kitty was her name she was on her way back , he ask my wife to let him remove her top she leaned forward her tits laying on the table as Kitty was setting the drinks in front of us , Jake looked up at her asking her to rub his drink on Candy's nipples she did not know what to say so he took her hand and the drink to the nipple and slowly rubed it over it causing it to harden she then moved to the other doing the same. Candy moaned thanking Kitty for turning her on , Jake reached over and twisted them making her squeel .I looked at Kitty her nipples were straining at her top she stood up watching as Jake grasp Candy's tits in his hands squezzing them , as Kitty stood there she was rubbing her legs together Jake slowed stopping drinking his drink he stood up and said he was going to the mens room asking me to go , so i to went .Jake and i stopped at the door looking back at the girls , Candy slid over to where Kitty was reaching for her hand . Kitty was shaking as Candy grabed it putting it on her tit telling her to rub it , she did as she was told then moving to the other tit , as she did this Candy was rubbing Kitty's thigh , we went and peed , Jake was still going as i looked over at his cock it was a giant limp the head looked like a giant mushroom . He seen me looking asking if Candy had had one that big , i said no she has been with a guy that was 9.5"long but it was not as thick as his . We opened the door peeking at the girls Kitty was standing by the table her legs opened a bit so Candy could feel her mound , as we started over to them Candy told Kitty and she adjusted her self so we were not to know what was going on when we were gone Candy's nipples were hard as rocks , and Kitty had sweat on her brow her nipples were also hard . Jake looked at Kitty asking her if she was chilly she said no why ? Jake reached out touching her nipple pointing out it was hard.., she blushed as he then moved to Candy's saying hers to were hard!!!! I ask Kitty for an other round of drinks as she turned she was shaking slitely. I ask Candy why Kitty was shaking, she said it was her first nite , and she did not know this is what they meant by swinging!!!I told Candy to look at the tape , she lol saying that she did not know i was filming , Jake ask Candy if Kitty was wet she is sopping wet want to taste??? We tasted her juices it was as sweet as hunny , I told Candy she was in for a real treat she won't soon forget Jake lol as did i she ask what i meant , i said she will see Jake then kisses her very deeply feeling her body all over she does the same , i tell her to undo his pants she takes off his shirt then his belt unbuttoning his jeans opening them sliding her hand in her eyes get bigger and bigger saying how huge the head is she pull's it free of his jeans staring in aw at it she lowers her mouth to the head licking around the massive mushroom crown to the opening licking inside as he jerks in her hand harding and growing releasing his pre cum for her to savor . She sits up as Kitty is returning she hides Jake's cock under the table so she can watch her face as she see's his cock uncovered, she is smiling as she set's our drinks down as she finishes Candy pull's Jake's cock in to view . Kitty gasps as she look's at his huge cock Candy licks it and try's to slide the head in to her mouth , she gets it in and starts to move her head up and down taking more of that monster down her throut, he looks at Kitty and she is rubbing her own nipples i slowly slide my hand to her thigh she open's her leg's some not taking her eyes off them . Jake has Candy stand by Kitty as he unzips her skirt lowering it to the floor exposing her shaven mound , Jake has Candy sit on the edge of the table opening her legs wide spreading her cunt lips allowing her juices to flow out her love hole, i reach Kitty's wet panties and slide them to her knee's where she stops me saying that she is a virgin i tell her i am going to feel her cunt and clit she moves away but i slide my finger ni her hot box holding her there she moan's as i go deeper .Jake is now licking my wife's wet cunt she is buckingto meet his tongue .Kitty is now thrusting her mound to my hand taking it deeper when i reach her cherry she feels a slight pain pulling off my finger. Candy is telling Jake to fuck her hot wet cunt , and Jake stand's up and his cock is ready to fill my wife up like she has never been before he spit's in his hand and rub's it on his cock head and aiming it to her open cunt that is throbing for his cock his cock is at the entrance and he is pushing it and the head slide's in making her squeeel she push's her cunt to him as he thrusts it deeper , Kitty is now fingering her self and i am filming her and Candy , she yell's for him to fuck her cunt harder and deeper his cock is bout half way in and he makes one big lunge and his 11.5" cock is buried all the way he pounds her cunt and pinches her nipples real hard she screams she is cumming she has her legs on his arms and he is fucking her faster and harder her cum is ready to explode so is he he tell's her he is ready as he shoves his cock in one last time she explodes mixing his cum an hers and it squirts out the sides of her cunt .Kitty is frigging her cunt and is ready to cum so i slip my finger up to her ass hole it is very wet so i push hard and it slips in as she cums all over my hand .Candy is spread eagle as Jake slide's his cock out of her cum filled cunt and down her ass , Jake see's Kitty cumming and has her lay next to Candy as he takes her top off as her pirt titty's stand up tall he ask's her how old she is she say's 20 i grab her tit's and squize them she asks me to bite the nipples for her so i do . Candy is up now and wants me to let her sit on her face Kitty looks up and sees Candys dripping cunt over her mouth she say's no but it is to late cum has driped into her open mouth she licks her lips and she pull's Candy's cunt down to her mouth as she lick's it deeply .Jake is fingering her wet cunt and moving his cock up to her tight virgin pussy his cock head is pushing at her and woosh it slips in .Just the head is in and she is bucking a bit from the pain he just lets her get use to it as he feel's her cunt loosen up he moves his cock deeper and reach's her cherry he push's a little and she thrust's her cunt all the way over his hard tool .Candy moves off after she cums in Kitty's mouth . We watch as Jake fucks Kitty until she is screaming she is cumming at the same time as Jake , he tell's her to sit up so he can give her some hot cum in her mouth too she eats all his hot cum and wants more !!!!!!!!! Maybe Next Time
rm_gorjusus sa
Hi, I'm Jim. Haven't hany bites at all. I even shaved my pubes. Can't be my breath. Am I doing something wrong?